Say "Allo" to entities
Product Concept
Express yourself, and discover the world
Rethinking Allo

Along with your family and friends, you can communicate and interact with entities. Like persons, you can interact with entities through natural conversations. With directories, you now have a greater connection and access to the world at large.

Google Allo App
Google Allo is now your standard messaging app in your phone.
Messaging App

A new revolution has arrived. Your new tool is Messaging! With Allo's new capabilities in messaging using A.i. technology, it is now the standard messaging application in your phone.

Google Allo Messaging
  • figure 4.1 Here, the user starts their Allo messaging from their default message app. They get a list of recent messages in the same manner as the default.
Interact and communicate with the world at large by discovering and making new connections
Browse directories

You can discover new connections to the world at large by browsing or searching directories. Along with people, you can also discover connections with public entities around the world. Your contacts are your new apps.

Google Allo App Content
  • figure 4.2 Google Allo's content consisting of messages, contacts, and directories.
Entities at your service
Find and connect with an entity

Entities around the world are readily available for you when you need them, whether it is your local library, your favourite coffee shop, bank services, or a university you wish to apply to, just chat, and instant service will be provided to you.

Messaging Entities
  • figure 4.6 Browse or search for an entity (a.i).