Saved options

Evolution of the saved options

The saved options page contains profiles of careers, schools, and programs that a student is considering as a goal and plan after high school. What was required here was that students should be able to access these saved options in one place, as well as globally (appbar). For retention purposes,these cards should have a short preview of the level of personal reflection, and investigation they have made into the profiles. The designs below are a glimpse into the evolution of trying to meet these requirements.

Original buy-in design
figure 6.3.1 Sample of one of many iterations for saved options.
Newly remastered assessment design
figure 6.3.2 Sample of one of many iterations for saved options.
Newly remastered assessment design
figure 6.3.3 Sample of one of many iterations for saved options.

The final

In the end, the final buy-in was for cards that not only met the requirments in a minimalistic sense, but it was also consistent with styleguides already established in the application.

Animation: dashboard state when signed in.
figure 6.3.4 Final Design